Sunday, June 27, 2010

Greek Orthodox Church

A few weeks ago a small discussion about the religious diversity of Price took place in our comments section.
I mentioned the Greek Temple.  I thought I'd share the photograph I took of the Greek Church in Price. I encourage you to read the "about us" section at the link.  It's a nice slice of regional history, including names, dates, and community efforts that help us see Utah and it's Statehood from the perspective the Fitzgerald Family might have seen it.

Ernest Samuel Horsley

You guessed it - Family Photo Day.

Okay not direct family, but story book family will that do.  These are glass mounted tin types of Earnest Samuel Horsley.   He was one of three men John used as his basis for Bishop Ephraim Aden.  Of the three men E.S. Horsley was the most visible in Johns personal experience.   I do not know which wife is in the photo.  I wish I did.

It didn't come through on computer but "E.S. Horsley"
is etched backward in lovely cursive in upper left of this tin-type.

The Real William Fitzgerald

Hi Everyone-

A few posts back I shared my findings on William Fitzgerald and Uncle Will.  I thought you might enjoy seeing him with his family.   Enjoy